Episode 132 - Component Analysis of Behavior Skills Training
podcastRobert Parry-Cruwysbehavioral skills training, component analysis, safety skills, functional analysis, staff training, rehearsal, modeling, feedback, social skills, conversations, 132, episode 132
Episode 131 - Prompt Dependence w/ Dr. Catia Cividini-Motta
podcastRobert Parry-Cruwysautism, differential reinforcement, prompt dependency, skill acquisition, discrimination, prompt fading, 131, episode 131, catia, cividini, motta
July 2020 Preview
podcast, videoRobert Parry-Cruwysautism, differential reinforcement, prompt dependency, discrimination, skill acquisition, prompt fading, behavioral skills training, safety skills, component analysis, functional analysis, staff training, rehearsal, modeling, feedback, social skills, conversations, self-monitoring, video, procedural integrity, behavior intervention plan, performance feedback, treatment integrity, generalization, compliance, escape behavior, trauma, trauma-informed care, parametric analysis, problem behavior, PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder, stress symptoms
Episode 130 - Early Indicators of Autism
Episode 129 - Staff Turnover w/ Dr. Byron Wine
podcastRobert Parry-Cruwysreward delay, reward probability, rewards, employee performance, rapport, performance, relationships, turnover, retention, organizational behavior management, 129, episode 129, byron, wine
Episode 128 - Diversity and Inclusion w/ Adrienne Bradley + Kat Jackson
podcastRobert Parry-Cruwysculture, diversity, barriers to diversity, organizational behavior, resistance to change, ethics, ethical dilemmas, professionalism, 128, episode 128, adrienne, bradley, kat, jackson, baba
June 2020 Preview
podcast, videoRobert Parry-Cruwysreward delay, reward probability, rewards, employee performance, rapport, performance, relationships, turnover, retention, organizational behavior management, autism spectrum disorder, autism, early indicators, eye contact, first birthday, behavioral treatment, culture, diversity, barriers to diversity, organizational behavior, resistance to change, ethics, ethical dilemmas, professionalism
Bonus 21 - (LIVE) Promoting Pandemic Safety Measures (or, Wash Your Damn Hands)
Episode 127 - Perspective Taking
podcastRobert Parry-Cruwysperspective taking, autism, multiple exemplar training, senses, theory of mind, group instruction, social skills, video modeling, 127, episode 127
Episode 126 - Behavioral Economics w/ Dr. Derek Reed
podcastRobert Parry-Cruwysbehavioral economics, social validity, marijuana, legalization, demand, price policy, substitutability, purchase task, undera, alcohol, delay discounting, tornado, 126, episode 126, derek, reed