Episode 125 - Resurgence
May 2020 Preview
podcast, videoRobert Parry-Cruwysextinction, resurgence, problem behavior, functional communication training, behavioral economics, social validity, marijuana, legalization, demand, price policy, substitutability, purchase task, underage drinking, alcohol, delay discounting, tornado, perspective taking, autism, multiple exemplar training, senses, theory of mind, group instruction, social skills, video modeling, pandemic, public health, social distancing, hand washing, lottery, feedback, prompts, hand hygiene, environmental policy
Episode 124 - School Consulting w/ Matt Cicoria
podcastRobert Parry-Cruwysdissemination, treatment integrity, consultation, teachers, education, evidence-based practice, collaboration, 124, episode 124, matt, cicoria, behavioral observations
Episode 123 - VB-MAPP w/ Colleen Callahan
Episode 122 - Grab Bag X: Grab Bag In Space
podcastRobert Parry-Cruwysbehavioral economics, consumer behavior, green consumerism, autism, social skills, college students, furniture, dementia, indices of happiness, behavior skills training, 122, episode 122, grab bag
Episode 121 - Child Welfare w/ Dr. Jim Carr
Episode 120 - Telehealth Grab Bag
podcastRobert Parry-Cruwysfunctional communication training, autism, problem behavior, consultation, functional analysis, technology, parent collaboration, parent training, freecues, telehealth, 120, episode 120
April 2020 Preview
podcast, videoRobert Parry-Cruwyschild welfare, child placement outcomes, positive parenting, foster care, behavioral economics, consumer behavior, green consumerism, autism, college students, social skills, furniture, dementia, indices of happiness, behavioral skills training, VB-MAPP, verbal behavior, language assessment, dissemination, treatment integrity, consultation, teachers, education, evidence-based practice, collaboration
Episode 119 - Providing ABA Services in a Global Pandemic w/ Dr. Francesca degli Espinosa
podcast, freeceusRobert Parry-CruwysCOVID-19, pandemic, health crisis, behavioral economics, token reinforcement, token economy, translational research, reinforcement programs, home services, freecues, 119, episode 119, francesca, espinosa
Episode 118 - Massed Trials vs. the World