Posts tagged multiple exemplar training
Episode 210 - Multiple Exemplars
July 2022 Preview
podcast, videoRobert Parry-Cruwysfunctional behavior assessment, functional analysis, public schools, descriptive assesssment, classroom management, ADHD, parent training, teacher training, flow chart, multiple exemplar training, multiple exemplar instruction, autism, verbal behavior, empathy, social skills
Episode 168 - Emergent Relations w/ Dr. Bryan Blair + Dr. Lesley Shawler
June 2021 Preview
podcast, videoRobert Parry-Cruwysemergent responding, equivalence-based instruction, computer-based training, verbal behavior, visual analysis, multiple exemplar training, preference assessment, verbal preference assessment, employee preference, reinforcer assessment, prediction of preference, performance management, organizational behavior management, customer service, task clarification, feedback, contingency-based delay, autism, trauma-informed care, ABA, developmental disabilities, leisure skills, computer use, picture-activity schedules, video modeling, video games, video prompting, photography, transition, collaboration, multidisciplinary teams, speech and language pathologist
October 2020 Preview
podcast, videoRobert Parry-Cruwysstimulus equivalence, match to sample, developmental disabilities, mediated transfer, brain injuries, adults, emergent relations, money, autism, autism spectrum disorder, general-case procedures, multiple exemplar training, stimulus generalization, video modeling, checklist, RBT, registered behavior technician, staff training, writing, functional communication, preschool life skills, parent training, supervision, job satisfaction, burnout, ABA, applied behavior analysis, BCBA, work stress, perceived therapeutic efficacy, self-care
Episode 127 - Perspective Taking
podcastRobert Parry-Cruwysperspective taking, autism, multiple exemplar training, senses, theory of mind, group instruction, social skills, video modeling, 127, episode 127
May 2020 Preview
podcast, videoRobert Parry-Cruwysextinction, resurgence, problem behavior, functional communication training, behavioral economics, social validity, marijuana, legalization, demand, price policy, substitutability, purchase task, underage drinking, alcohol, delay discounting, tornado, perspective taking, autism, multiple exemplar training, senses, theory of mind, group instruction, social skills, video modeling, pandemic, public health, social distancing, hand washing, lottery, feedback, prompts, hand hygiene, environmental policy
Episode 48 - Research Grab Bag IV: Bride of Grab Bag
podcastRobert Parry-Cruwysobesity, portion-size estimates, stimulus equivalence, young adults, health psychology, autism, disguised mands, multiple exemplar training, nonliteral language, perspective taking, theory of mind, conversational speech, scripts, technology, 48, episode 48, grab bag
Episode 48 Preview
podcast, videoRobert Parry-Cruwysportion-size estimation, stimulus equivalence, young adults, health psychology, obesity, autism, disguised mands, multiple exemplar training, nonliteral language, perspective taking, theory of mind, conversational speech, scripts, technology