Episode 290 - Skill-Based Treatment w/ Dr. Cory Whelan
October 2024 Preview
podcast, videoRobert Parry-Cruwysconference presentation, bonus episode, school attendance problems, school refusal behavior, human rights, client rights, positive behavior support, practical functional assessment, skill-based treatment, SBT, FCT, enhanced choice model, telehealth, ethics, ethics code, ethical scenarios, organizational systems, exemplary behavior analysts
Episode 288 - (SUPERVISION) Remote Supervision
September 2024 Preview
podcastRobert Parry-Cruwyssupervision, telehealth, remote supervision, compassionate care, relational skills, feedback, therapeutic relationship, clicker training, soft skills, behavior skills training, empathy, book club, discipline, punishment
Episode 206 - Post-Apocalypse ABA
June 2022 Preview
podcast, videoRobert Parry-Cruwysprevention, problem behavior, early childhood interventions, joy, human connections, COVID-19, telehealth, clinical decision-making, essential services, autism, language, incidental teaching, peer interactions, preschool, embedded teaching
Bonus Episode 23 - The Year in ABA (2020) w/ Matt Cicoria
Episode 120 - Telehealth Grab Bag
podcastRobert Parry-Cruwysfunctional communication training, autism, problem behavior, consultation, functional analysis, technology, parent collaboration, parent training, freecues, telehealth, 120, episode 120
Episode 88 - (ETHICS) The Ethics of Telehealth
podcast, ethicsRobert Parry-Cruwysconsultation, functional analysis, staff training, telehealth, telemedicine, ethic, autsm, freecues, 88, episode 88, ethics
June 2019 Preview
podcast, videoRobert Parry-Cruwysconsultation, functional analysis, staff training, telehealth, telemedicine, autism, ethics, behavior chains, play skills, backward chaining, concurrent-chains, forward chaining, preferences, basketball, virtual reality, exposure, phobias, virtual reality therapy, anxiety disorders, fetal alcohol syndrome, fire safety