Episode 117 - Promoting Healthful Behavior w/ The Behavior Chefs
podcastRobert Parry-Cruwyshealthy eating, food, choice behavior, exercise, contingency management, cigarette, internet-based intervention, 117, episode 117, behavior chef, tony, chambers, clint, evans
Episode 116 - Transfer of Stimulus Control w/ Dr. Mary Barbera
March 2020 Preview
podcast, videoRobert Parry-Cruwysverbal behavior, teaching tacts, transfer procedures, autism, healthy eating, food, choice behavior, exercise, contingency management, cigarette, internet-based intervention, discrete trial training, massed trial teaching, interspersed trial teaching, acquisition, maintenance, distributed practice
Episode 115 - Self-monitoring
podcastRobert Parry-Cruwysself-monitoring, feedback, energy consumption, energy conservation, swimming, ADHD, on-task behavior, spelling, autism, developmental disabilities, procedural integrity, token economy, 115, episode 115
Episode 114 - Police Academy 8: Behavior Analysts on Patrol w/ Dr. John O'Neill
podcastRobert Parry-Cruwyslaw enforcement, learning, performance, police, training, firearm, gun safety, functional behavior assessment, 114, episode 114, john, o'neill
Episode 113 - Visual Inspection
ABA Trivia Night on February 26th at Ground Effect Brewery
February 2020 Preview
podcast, videoRobert Parry-Cruwysvisual inspection, visual analysis, data analysis, single-case research, dual-criteria method, false positives, law enforcement, learning, performance, police, training, firearm, gun safety, functional behavior assessment, self-monitoring, feedback, energy consumption, energy conservation, swimming, ADHD, on-task behavior, spelling, autism, developmental disabilities, procedural integrity, token economy
Episode 112 - Lying Behavior
podcastRobert Parry-Cruwyslying, adolescents, game playing, deception, perspective taking, theory of mind, honesty, morality, rule-governed behavior, 112, episode 112
Episode 111 - Behavior Analytic Language
podcastRobert Parry-Cruwysjargon, plain English, dissemination, terminology, public perception, social acceptability, emotion, behavior analytic terminology, 111, episode 111