Episode 180 - (ETHICS) Promoting Ethical Leadership w/ Dr. Manny Rodriguez

Episode 180 - (ETHICS) Promoting Ethical Leadership w/ Dr. Manny Rodriguez


This episode is worth 1.0 ETHICS CEU

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As a capper to Supervision September, we follow up last week’s episode on ethical supervision to explore just what it takes in the ABA Workplace to create strong leaders that promote ethical practice in every way. And since that requires discussing business things, we tapped Dr. Manny Rodriguez to share his extensive work on researching that very topic in OBM. But first, he shows us how to file our TPS reports!

This episode is available for 1.0 ETHICS CEU.

Articles discussed this episode:

Diener, L.H., McGee, H.M., & Miguel, C.F.  (2009).  An integrated approach for conducting a behavioral systems analysis.  Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 29, 108-135.  doi: 10.1080/01608060902874534

Rodriguez, M. (2020). Identifying effective systems and processes to promote ethical workplace cultures in the applied behavior analysis (ABA) therapy industry [Doctoral dissertation, University of South Florida]. Scholar Commons.https://digitalcommons.usf.edu/etd/8483/

If you're interested in ordering CEs for listening to this episode, click here to go to the store page. You'll need to enter your name, BCBA #, and the two episode secret code words to complete the purchase. Email us at abainsidetrack@gmail.com for further assistance.

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