Episode 70 - Manding for Information w/ Dr. Sarah Lechago

Episode 70 - Manding for Information w/ Dr. Sarah Lechago


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We’ve got nothing but mand after mand for our special guest, Dr. Sarah Lechago. And when we stop asking about her cool model volcano, we finally get to the heart of her research on teaching children with autism to mand for information. How does she do it, you ask? Sorry, your podcast player can’t respond. You’ll just have to listen to the whole episode.

Articles discussed this episode:

Lechago, S.A., Carr, J.E., Grow, L.L., Love, J.R., & Almason, S.M. (2010). Mands for information generalized across establishing operations. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 43, 381-395. doi: 10.1901/jaba.2010.43-381

Lechago, S.A., Howell, A., Caccavale, M.N., & Peterson, C.W. (2013). Teaching “how"?” mand-for-information frames to children with autism. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 46, 781-791. doi: 10.1002/jaba.71

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