August 2021 Preview
podcast, videoRobert Parry-Cruwystoken economy, classroom management, response cost, safety, long-term effects, problem behavior, sustainability, environmental policy, recycling, written feedback, incentives, behavioral economics, reinforcement
July 2021 Preview
podcast, videoRobert Parry-Cruwysscience, research, evidence-based practice, applied research, research-to-practice gap, empirically supported treatments, clinical expertise, social validity, best practices, research methodology, community behavior analysis, collaboration, single-subject design, group design, police brutality, diversity, mistreatment, direct-care staff, racism
June 2021 Preview
podcast, videoRobert Parry-Cruwysemergent responding, equivalence-based instruction, computer-based training, verbal behavior, visual analysis, multiple exemplar training, preference assessment, verbal preference assessment, employee preference, reinforcer assessment, prediction of preference, performance management, organizational behavior management, customer service, task clarification, feedback, contingency-based delay, autism, trauma-informed care, ABA, developmental disabilities, leisure skills, computer use, picture-activity schedules, video modeling, video games, video prompting, photography, transition, collaboration, multidisciplinary teams, speech and language pathologist
May 2021 Preview
podcast, videoRobert Parry-Cruwysadults, autism, quality of life, independent living, functional analysis, response class, precursor behavior, latency, synthesized FA, history, bullying, school bullying, prevention, meta-analysis, intellectual disabilities, positive behavior support
April 2021 Preview
podcast, videoRobert Parry-Cruwystummy time, infant behavior, crying, head elevation, Down syndrome, preferred stimulus, civil rights, diversity, LGBTQIA+, ACT, Black Liberation, freedom, preference assessment, tigers, autism, functional assessment, social avoidance, computer-based training, fast forwarding, observer training
March 2021 Preview
podcast, videoRobert Parry-Cruwysethics, ethics code, COVID-19, pandemic, self-care, values, well-being, families, parents, ACT, acceptance and commitment therapy, autism, ritualistic behaviors, restricted interests, circumscribed interests, social skills, perseverative interests, siblings, joint attention, learning, mindfulness, curricula, soles of the feet, classroom management, disruptive behavior
February 2021 Preview
podcast, videoRobert Parry-Cruwysturn taking, games, role playing, social skills, autism, board games, prompting, special needs, young children, traumatic brain injury, acquired brain injury, meta-analysis, retraining, consumers, skill acquisition, problem behavior, higher-order thinking, postsecondary, operational definitions, Bloom's taxonomy, PSI, adults
January 2021 Preview
podcast, videoRobert Parry-Cruwysethics, diversity, cultural awareness, cultural competence, culturally sensitive, training, supervision, compliance code, ethics code, ethical dilemmas, mindfulness, classroom behavior management, disruptive behavior
December 2020 Preview
podcast, videoRobert Parry-Cruwystime-out, trauma, mental health, discipline, problem behavior, release contingencies, punishment, social skills, autism, autism spectrum disorder, curriculum framework, meta-analysis, social skills groups, adolescents, friendship skills, health, sedentary behavior, physical activity, workplace, feedback, goal setting
November 2020 Preview
podcast, videoRobert Parry-Cruwyselopement, literature review, rule-governed behavior, stereotypy, developmental disabilities, sexual behavior, sexuality, sexual wellbeing, noncontingent escape, dentistry, autism, dental care, desensitization, graduated exposure, functional analysis