Posts tagged acceptance and commitment therapy
Episode 1012 - (UNLOCKED) Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Behavior Analysts Book Club
February 2025 Preview
podcast, videoRobert Parry-Cruwysbook club, ACT, acceptance and commitment therapy, practice guide, theory, therapy, ethics, collaboration, occupational therapy, organizational systems, OT, interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, transdisciplinary, autism, ASD, tutorial, procedural integrity, enhanced packet, staff training, procedural fidelity, treatment monitoring, treatment fidelity
(PREVIEW) Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Book Club
January 2024 Preview
podcastRobert Parry-Cruwysethics, fad treatments, autism, sensory integration, stereotypy, classroom management, coercion, grab bag, interior design, childbirth, behavioral medicine, Direct Instruction, relaxation training, adult services, acquired brain injury, rehabilitation, staff training, direct-care staff, activity schedules, error correction, errorless learning, discrete-trial instruction, DTT, skill acquisition, book club, ACT, acceptance and commitment therapy
Episode 159 - Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in the Time of COVID-19 w/ Dr. Evelyn Gound
March 2021 Preview
podcast, videoRobert Parry-Cruwysethics, ethics code, COVID-19, pandemic, self-care, values, well-being, families, parents, ACT, acceptance and commitment therapy, autism, ritualistic behaviors, restricted interests, circumscribed interests, social skills, perseverative interests, siblings, joint attention, learning, mindfulness, curricula, soles of the feet, classroom management, disruptive behavior
Bonus Episode 17 - Rob's Summer Reading 2019
Episode 75 - Acceptance and Commitment Training w/ Dr. Adam Hahs