Episode 283 - Publication Diversity in ABA w/ Dr. Anita Li

Episode 283 - Publication Diversity in ABA w/ Dr. Anita Li


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A list of top readings on a topic as important as diversity, equity, and inclusion for BCBAs? Sign me up! This week Dr. Anita Li brings us just that…or at least as much as an essential list can be created at this moment in research history. Plus, we discuss DEI trends in publications for Latina women in ABA research and what this does (and doesn’t!) mean about the field bringing more voices to the table.

This episode is available for 1.0 LEARNING CEU.

Articles discussed this episode:

Li, A., Curiel, H., & Mateus, C.C.S (in prep). Participation of Latina women as authors in behavior analytic research. Behavior Analysis in Practice.

Li, A., Hollins, N.A., Morris, C. & Grey, H. (2023). Essential readings in diversity, equity, and inclusion in behavior analytic training programs. Behavior Analysis in Practice. doi: 10.1007/s40617-023-00856-3

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