Episode 55 - Interteach w/ Dr. James Soldner

Episode 55 - Interteach w/ Dr. James Soldner


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Ever feel like college and graduate classes are too boring for our modern times? Wish there were a way to improve the lecturing experience? Well, you're in luck because special guest Dr. James Soldner agrees and visits the show to share the magic of Interteaching.  We'll run down his research on the subject and get a crash course on how this behavioral teaching methodology can be implemented for maximum effectiveness.  And, no, we're not talking about the awesome, old cop show "Inter-Teach".

Articles discussed this episode:

Querol, B.I.D., Rosales, R., & Soldner, J.L.  (2015).  A comprehensive review of interteaching and its impact on student learning and satisfaction.  Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, 4, 390-411.  doi: 10.1037/stl0000048

Soldner, J.L., Rosales, R., Crimando, W., & Schultz, J.C.  (2017).  Interteaching: Application of an empirically supported behavioral teaching method in distance rehabilitation education.  Rehabilitation Research, Policy, and Education, 31372-386.  doi: 10.1891/2168-6653.31.4.372

Rosales, R., Soldner, J.L., & Zhang, L.  (2018).  An evaluation of the pair discussion component of interteaching.  The Psychological Record, 68, 71-79.  doi: 10.1007/s40732-018-0269-0

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