Episode 54 - Habit Reversal

Episode 54 - Habit Reversal


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From vocal tics to biting nails, we've got you covered in this week's episode on the use of habit reversal.  Rob shares what might be the ultimate resource guide to this nifty treatment package while Diana and Jackie describe the long, hard road behavior analysis took to make habit reversal an accepted intervention for Tourette disorder.  That means, we're talking randomized controlled trials, people!  All that and Rob tries to convince author Dr. Doug Woods to be his new best friend.  Seriously, Dr. Woods, please give him a call...he won't shut up about your talk!

Articles discussed this episode:

Miltenberger, R.G., Fuqua, R.W, & Woods, D.W.  (1998).  Applying behavior analysis to clinical problems: Review and analysis of habit reversal.  Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 31, 447-469.  doi: 10.1901/jaba.1998.31-447

Woods, D.W., Twohig, M.P., Flessner, C.A., & Roloff, T.J.  (2003).  Treatment of vocal tics in children with Tourette syndrome:  Investigating the efficacy of habit reversal.  Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 36, 109-112.  doi: 10.1901/jaba.2003.36-109

Himle, M.B., Woods, D.W., Piacentini, J.C., Walkup, J.T.  (2006).  Brief review of habit reversal training for Tourette syndrome.  Journal of Child Neurology, 21, 719-725.  doi: 10.2310/7010.2006.00158

Piacentini, J., Woods, D.W., Scahill, L., Wilhelm, S., Peterson, A.L., Chang, S., Ginsburg, G.S., Deckersbach, T., Dziura, J., Levi-Pearl, S., & Walkup, J.T.  (2010).  Behavior Therapy for Children with Tourette Disorder: A randomized controlled trial.  Journal of the American Medical Association, 303, 1929-1937.  doi: 10.1001/jama.2010.607

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