The Other End of the Leash Book Club (PREVIEW)
Episode 174 - Police Brutality and Client Mistreatment w Dr. Cody Morris
Episode 173 - From Practice to Research
Episode 172 - From Research to Practice
July 2021 Preview
podcast, videoRobert Parry-Cruwysscience, research, evidence-based practice, applied research, research-to-practice gap, empirically supported treatments, clinical expertise, social validity, best practices, research methodology, community behavior analysis, collaboration, single-subject design, group design, police brutality, diversity, mistreatment, direct-care staff, racism
Episode 171 - Professional Collaboration (SLP Edition) w/ Dr. Erin Michaud
Episode 170 - Leisure Skills and Hobbies
Episode 169 (SUPERVISION) - Identifying Staff Reinforcers
podcast, supervisionRobert Parry-Cruwyspreference assessment, verbal preference assessment, employee preference, reinforcer assessment, prediction of preference, performance management, organizational behavior management, customer service, task clarification, feedback
Episode 168 - Emergent Relations w/ Dr. Bryan Blair + Dr. Lesley Shawler
June 2021 Preview
podcast, videoRobert Parry-Cruwysemergent responding, equivalence-based instruction, computer-based training, verbal behavior, visual analysis, multiple exemplar training, preference assessment, verbal preference assessment, employee preference, reinforcer assessment, prediction of preference, performance management, organizational behavior management, customer service, task clarification, feedback, contingency-based delay, autism, trauma-informed care, ABA, developmental disabilities, leisure skills, computer use, picture-activity schedules, video modeling, video games, video prompting, photography, transition, collaboration, multidisciplinary teams, speech and language pathologist