Episode 104 - Culturally-Competent Assessment w/ Dr. Elizabeth Hughes-Fong
podcastRobert Parry-Cruwyscultural competence, behavior assessment, functional assessment, cross-cultural, culturally sensitive, autism, race, ethnicity, treatment, 104, episode 104, lyz, hughes, fong, elizabeth
Bonus Episode 18 - Thompson Center for Autism Conference 2019
November 2019 Preview
podcast, videoRobert Parry-Cruwyscultural competence, behavior assessment, functional assessment, cross-cultural, culturally sensitive, autism, race, ethnicity, treatment, ethics, ethical scenarios, attending, teacher attention, autism spectrum disorder, differential observing response, discrimination, restricted stimulus control, sight words, self-monitoring, academic accuracy, attending to task
Episode 103 - (LIVE) Parent Training: The Effects of Parent Stress, Child Outcome, and the BCBA-Caregiver Relationship
podcast, freeceusRobert Parry-Cruwysautism, collaboration, compassion, empathy, family, parents, relationships, parent collaboration, behavior intervention plan, adherence, parent training, EIBI, parental stress, freecues, 103, episode 103
Episode 102 - PBIS
podcastRobert Parry-Cruwysschools, positive behavior support, school discipline, behavior problems, PBIS, randomized control trial, prevention, school-wide positive behavioral interventions and supports, 102, episode 102
Episode 101 - Instructional Fading
Episode 100 - The History of ABA w/ Dr. Gina Green
podcastRobert Parry-Cruwysorigins of ABA, history of ABA, ABA interventions, applied behavior analysis, publications, translational research, basic research, the future of behavior analysis, seminal works, 100, episode 100, gina, green
October 2019 Preview
podcast, videoRobert Parry-Cruwysorigins of ABA, history of ABA, ABA interventions, applied behavior analysis, publications, translational research, basic research, the future of behavior analysis, seminal works, avoidance behavior, escape behavior, extinction, self-injurious behavior, stimulus fading, instructional fading, schools, positive behavior support, school discipline, behavior problems, PBIS, randomized control trial, prevention, school-wide positive behavioral interventions and supports, autism, collaboration, compassion, empathy, family, parents, relationships, parent collaboration, behavior intervention plan, adherence, parent training, EIBI, parental stress
Episode 99 - Supervision Series III, pt. 3 - Staff Reinforcement
podcast, supervisionRobert Parry-Cruwysworkplace fun, retention, employee-of-the-month, incentives, recognition, rewards, lottery, supervision, 99, episode 99
Episode 98 - Supervision Series III, pt. 2 - Staff Burnout
podcast, supervisionRobert Parry-Cruwyssupervison, turnover, behavior technician, autsm, retention, work motivation, emotional exhaustion, self-efficacy, burnout, job satisfaction, 98, episode 98, supervision