Posts tagged delay tolerance
Episode 189 - Self-Control
December 2021 Preview
podcast, videoRobert Parry-Cruwysmemory, verbal behavior, problem solving, occupational therapy, collaboration, autism, evidence-based practice, self-control, delay tolerance, delayed reinforcement, choice, impulsivity, marshmallow task, delay of gratification, board games
Episode 181 - Contingencies in Tolerance Training w/ Dr. Mahshid Ghaemmaghami
October 2021 Preview
podcast, videoRobert Parry-Cruwysdelay tolerance, delayed reinforcement, functional communication training, schedule thinning, antecedent interventions, classroom management, choice, problem behavior, instructional choice, general education, tiered interventions, preference assessment, literature review, severe disabilities, MSWO, intellectual disabilities, indices of happiness, developmental disabilities
Episode 138 - Delay Tolerance w/ Dr. Jeffrey Tiger
podcastRobert Parry-Cruwysautism, delay tolerance, functional communication training, problem behavior, DRO, differential reinforcement of alternative behavior, differential reinforcement of other behavior, DRA, 138, episode 138, jerr, tiger, jeff
August 2020 Preview
podcast, videoRobert Parry-Cruwyscultural change, psychological flexibility, evolution, prevention science, autism, preference assessment, reinforcers, reinforcer assessment, demand analysis, functional analysis, negative reinforcement, video, delay tolerance, functional communication training, problem behavior, DRO, differential reinforcement of alternative behavior, differential reinforcement of other behavior
Episode 110 - IISCA w/ Dr. Adithyan Rajaraman
podcastRobert Parry-CruwysIISCA, delay tolerance, open-ended interviews, functional communication, social validity, autism, problem behavior, functional communication training, reinforcement schedule thinning, synthesized FA, synthesized EOs, 110, episode 110, dithu, adithyan, rajaraman
January 2020 Preview
podcast, videoRobert Parry-Cruwysextinction, functional analysis, self-injurious behavior, sensory extinction, protective equipment, response blocking, punishment, IISCA, delay tolerance, open-ended interviews, functional communication, social validity, autism, problem behavior, functional communication training, reinforcement schedule thinning, synthesized FA, synthesized EOs, jargon, plain English, dissemination, terminology, public perception, social acceptability, emotion, behavior analytic terminology, lying, adolescents, game playing, deception, perspective taking, theory of mind, honesty, morality, rule-governed behavior
(REBROADCAST) Episode 34 - Preschool Life Skills
Episode 35 - Response Interruption and Redirection w/ Dr. Bill Ahearn