The Cover Art Game!

If you saw the April 2022 Preview video (or heard the episode), you know that we're doing our first ever Cover Art Game. In case you didn't know, every episode of ABA Inside Track comes with some striking cover art. But what you (also) may not know, is that Rob spends anywhere from 10-20 minutes an episode pouring over images from the Internet trying to find art that encapsulates something special from the recording. Perhaps it's something super obvious. Maybe it's something related to a random throwaway line from the episode. Could be that after 20 minutes he just got frustrated and grabbed some random screenshot from a TV episode he had on.

In any case, this month we're holding our first ever Cover Art Game contest. Finally, a chance to dive into the madness that is Rob's creative process. All you need to do is look at the above 3 cover arts and email us at with the subject "Cover Art Game" with two bits of information:

1) What episode each piece of art is from (the easy part)?

2) What prompted Rob to choose those pieces of art?

Listeners who send in the right answer (or a decent approximation) will be entered into a random drawing for a free CE.

The contest will be open until April 18th at about 7pm when we'll be recording our next preview and announcing the winner. So, get those thinking caps on and be ready to free associate what the heck Rob was thinking to win the Cover Art Game!