Episode 301 - (LISTENER CHOICE) Tutorial - Procedural Ingegrity

Episode 301 - (LISTENER CHOICE) Tutorial - Procedural Ingegrity


This episode is worth 1.0 LEARNING CEU

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As voted on by our patrons, a new (hopefully) long-running mini-series turning research directly into updated practice: Tutorial! This month, we’re looking at research to up your procedural integrity process. Just what should go into your PI checklists? How do you turn your observations into meaningful fidelity data instead of a series of “yeses” and “nos”? And just what good are training manuals, anyway? So, listen in! Your supervisees and clients will thank you.

This episode is available for 1.0 LEARNING CEU.

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Articles discussed this episode:

Bergmann, S., Harman, M.J., Brand, D., & Vladescu, J.C. (2024). A survey of procedural-fidelity data collection in behavior-analytic practice. Behavior Analysis in Practice. doi: 10.1007/s40617-024-00995-1

Morris, C., Jones, S.H., & Oliveira, J.P. (2024). A practitioner’s guide to measuring procedural fidelity. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 17, 643-655. doi: 10.1007/s40617-024-00910-8

Al-Nasser, T., Williams, W.L., & Feeney, B. (2019). A brief evaluation of a pictorially enhanced self-instruction packet on participant fidelity across multiple ABA procedures. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 12, 387-395. doi: 10.1007/s40617/018-00282-w

If you're interested in ordering CEs for listening to this episode, click here to go to the store page. You'll need to enter your name, BCBA #, and the two episode secret code words to complete the purchase. Email us at abainsidetrack@gmail.com for further assistance.

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