Episode 286 - (LISTENER CHOICE) Quality Control in the ABA Service Industry

Episode 286 - (LISTENER CHOICE) Quality Control in the ABA Service Industry


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Despite strong evidence as to the efficacy of ABA services in supporting meaningful outcomes of clients across a number of relevant dimensions, do we actually know if the ABA service industry is actually any good? This week we dive into the paucity of research on measuring and developing quality ABA services and discuss whether the business of ABA is anywhere near as good as the science of ABA at solving meaningful problems. Hot take: It’s probably not!

This episode is available for 1.0 LEARNING CEU.

Articles discussed this episode:

Behavior Analyst Certification Board. (2024). US employment demand for behavior analysts: 2010–2023. Littleton, CO: Author.

Max, C. & Lambright, N. (2022). Board certified behavior analysts and school fidelity of applied behavior analysis services: Qualitative findings. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 68, 913-923. doi: 10.100/20473869.2021.1926854

Silbaugh, B.C. & Fattal, R.E. (2022). Exploring quality in the applied behavior analysis service delivery industry. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 15, 571-590. doi: 10.1007/s40617-021-00627-y

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