Episode 1013 - Activity Schedules for Children with Autism Book Club

Episode 1013 - Activity Schedules for Children with Autism Book Club


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For our Spring 2024 Book Club we decided to read something a little lighter that could lead right into some new practice options. And, boy did we hit gold with McClannahan and Krantz’s “Activity Schedules for Children with Autism”! We gush profusely about the majority of the book’s content for a while then dive in with a review of the basics of teaching a child to independently use an activity schedule…with some modern quality-of-life suggestions where things get a little dated. Listen and learn nearly everything you need to know about creating and teaching activitiy schedules. Coming soon: Our Language Master-compatible recording on 144,000 flash cards!

This episode is available for 2.0 LEARNING CEUs.

Content discussed in this episode:

McClannahan, L.E. & Krantz, P.J. (1999). Activity schedules for children with autism: Teaching independent behavior. Woodbine House.

McClannahan, L.E. & Krantz, P.J. (2010). Activity schedules for children with autism: Teaching independent behavior. (2nd ed.). Woodbine House.

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