Episode 1010 - Walden Two Book Club

Episode 1010 - Walden Two Book Club


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Are you mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore enough to move out to the country to a semi-anarcho-communist society where the prinicples of human behavior have created a utopia? Well, then you’ll probably enjoy our Summer 2023 discussion of B.F. Skinner’s novel, “Walden Two”. We talk for over two hours about the historical context, plot, and our impressions of this optimistic view of how behavior science might just be able to save the world from your own backyard. Plus, Rob makes a potentially groundbreaking discovery about Skinner’s comic-book collection. Come for the four-hour workdays, stay for the 50 amateur piano concertos!

This episode is available for 2.0 LEARNING CEUs.

Content discussed in this episode:

Skinner, B.F. (1948). Walden two. Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc.

Altus, D.E. & Morris, E.K. (2009). B.F. Skinner’s utopian vision: Behind and beyond “Walden Two”. The Behavior Analyst, 32, 319-335. doi: 10.1007/BF03392195

Todd, R. (1970, March 15). Walden two: Three? Many more? The New York Times.

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