Episode 61 - Discontinuous Data Sampling w/ Dr. Mary-Katherine Carey

Episode 61 - Discontinuous Data Sampling w/ Dr. Mary-Katherine Carey


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STOP! Before you start using that discontinuous data sampling system in your program, listen to special guest, Dr. Mary-Katherine Carey, join us for a discussion of its pros and cons.  We'll review previous and recent research to determine whether discontinuous data systems really do save a lot of time, whether sampling data can ruin student programming, and whether you can get a scientific study done in a month.  Don't worry: We find some time to act all silly and go off on irrelevant tangents too.

Articles discussed this episode:

Cummings, A.R. & Carr, J.E.  (2009).  Evaluating progress in behavioral programs for children with autism spectrum disorders via continuous and discontinuous measurement.  Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 42, 52-71.  doi: 10.1901/jaba.2009.42-57

Carey, M.K. & Bourret, J.C.  (2014).  Effects of data sampling on graphical depictions of learning.  Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 47, 749-764.  doi: 10.1002/jaba.153

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