Episode 40 - (SUPERVISION) Supervisor's Book Club, pt 3

Episode 40 - (SUPERVISION) Supervisor's Book Club, pt 3


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It's our final episode in Supervision September and we saved the best for last.  How to give your supervisees feedback! How to make work fun! Plus horror stories of the times we all utterly failed at supervising.  And, of course, Diana gives a bunch of "Lost" spoilers.  Because talking about great serialized television is the best way to let your staff know that you're a cool supervisor.

Readings discussed this episode:

Reid, D.H., Parsons, M.B., & Green, C.W.  (2012).  The supervisor's guidebook: Evidence-based strategies for promoting work quality and enjoyment among human service staff.  Morganton, North Carolina: Habilitative Management Consultants, Inc.

If you're interested in ordering CEs for listening to this episode, click here to go to the store page. You'll need to enter your name, BCBA #, and the two episode secret code words to complete the purchase. Email us at abainsidetrack@gmail.com for further assistance.

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