Episode 4 - Novel Behaviors and Lag Schedules

Episode 4 - Novel Behaviors and Lag Schedules


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In this week's episode, we review articles on novel behavior.  Diana gushes over lag schedules and their effects on novel architectural features in children's play, Rob demands 21st-century learning for America, and Jackie wishes for her very own block building kit.  Then the gang gets cerebral in a discussion about creativity as behavior.  All that and the home version of the Novel Vocalizations Game!

Articles reviewed in this episode:

Goetz, E.M. & Baer, D.M. (1973).  Social control of form diversity and the emergence of new forms in children's blockbuilding.  Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 6, 209-217.  doi:  10.1901/jaba.1973.6-209

Cammillieri, A.P. & Hanley, G.P.  (2005).  Use of a lag differential reinforcement contingency to increase varied selections of classroom activities.  Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 38, 111-115.  doi: 10.1901/jaba.2005.34-04

Esch, J.W., Esch, B.E., & Love, J.R.  (2009).  Increasing vocal variability in children with autism using a lag schedule of reinforcement.  The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 25, 73-78.

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