Episode 19 - Parent Training to Decrease Challenging Behavior

Episode 19 - Parent Training to Decrease Challenging Behavior


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Everyone needs help sometimes whether it's a family dealing with challenging behavior or podcast hosts avoiding nonsensical tangents.  This week's episode spends most of it's running time with the former, reviewing research on how to help behavior analysts to help parents in the home.  From tantrums in quadruplets to overcoming mealtime woes, we've got something for even the smartest parents and practitioners to learn.  In regards to the latter--with Rob getting in character with his Fran Drescher nanny impression, Jackie bringing up fishing and Beyonce, and Diana comparing research to delicious gravy--we may have been less successful.

Articles discussed this episode:  

Miles, N.I. & Wilder, D.A.  (2009).  The effects of behavioral skills training on caregiver implementation of guided compliance.  Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 42, 405-410.  doi:  10.1901/jaba.2009.42-405

Crone, R.M. & Mehta, S.S.  (2016).  Parent training on generalized use of behavior analytic strategies for decreasing the problem behavior of children with autism spectrum disorder: A data-based case study.  Education and Treatment of Children, 39, 64-94.

Stocco, C.S. & Thompson, R.H.  (2015).  Contingency analysis of caregiver behavior: Implications for parent training and future directions.  Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 48, 417-435.  doi: 10.1002/jaba.206

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