Episode 69 - (LIVE) Autism at College

A live episode all about the transition to college for students with autism. We review some trends and possible next steps to support this population and even have a surprise special guest appearance! Plus, some thoughts recorded after the conference on positive updates in the field.

Listen here or on your favorite podcast player.

Episode 88 - (ETHICS) The Ethics of Telehealth

Especially given the increased need for the Telehealth platform to maintain services to homebound families and students, we dig into the literature to examine the this service and the possible ethical pitfalls that still surround online consultation and service provision.

Listen here or on your favorite podcast player.

Episode 103 - (LIVE) Parent Training: The Effects of Parent Stress, Child Outcome, and the BCBA-Caregiver Relationship

Another of our live episodes. Here we discuss research related to how BCBAs can best work with parents to minimize parent stress, maximize client outcomes, and maintain strong and fruitful relationships using cultural competence and empathetic engagement.

Listen here or on your favorite podcast player.

Episode 119 - Providing ABA Services in a Global Pandemic w/ Dr. Francesca degli Espinosa

As part of our efforts to help with the global efforts to provide support to families and to professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic, we had the chance to talk to Dr. Espinosa about her work maintaining ABA services in Italy during the lengthy lockdown periods. We hope that her forward thinking ideas are of benefit to other BCBAs struggling with similar challenges across the globe.

And, if you’re listening to this in the future, we hope you find this to be an interesting historical marker (y’know, instead of some post-apocalyptic artifact).

Listen here or on your favorite podcast player.

Episode 120 - Telehealth Grab Bag

In our continuing effort to do our part to support global efforts to provide support to families and to professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic, we discuss some recent articles about how telehealth systems can be used to provide distance services, including some ever-helpful IT troubleshooting.

Listen here or on your favorite podcast player.